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Firefighter clothing

Firefighters are very versatile, so using different types of clothing is also quite normal.

Fire-fighting clothing can be divided into two major sub-categories, namely, emergency clothing and other clothing, which includes work clothing and uniforms.

Intervention dresses include the classic intervention dress with standard 469: cl.2, road traffic collision dresses, forest fire suit, dry suit, etc. This group can also include accessories such as a cap, hat, belt, etc.

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14 Item(s)

14 Item(s)

Med intervencijske obleke spadajo klasična intervencijska obleka s standardom 469:cl.2, tehnična obleka, obleka za gozdne požare, suha obleka, ipd. V to skupino pa lahko prištevamo tudi dodatke, kot so podkapa, kapa, pas, opasač, ipd.

Med ostala oblačila pa prištevamo delovno obleko tip B, uniforme, srajce, šapke, kravate, ipd.